
Export data in csv file with SQL requests ‘==========
SQL Export

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Allow to export data in csv files FROM sql requests.
There are some restrictions in the sql query, you can only read datas.
No update, deletion or creation are possible.
A new menu named Export is created.

**Table of contents**

.. contents::


Dashboards > Sql Export

**Specific use with parameters**

– `%(company_id)s` allows to set in the query the company id of the user
– `%(user_id)s` allows to set in the query the user id
– for any created field with `Sql Export Variables` menu, you can use it with `%(x_field_example)s` syntax
(Limitation for relational fields)

Known issues / Roadmap

* Some words are prohibited and can’t be used is the query in anyways, even in
a select query:
– delete
– drop
– insert
– alter
– truncate
– execute
– create
– update

See sql_request_abstract module to fix this issue.

* checking SQL request by execution and rollback is disabled in this module
since variables features has been introduced. This can be fixed by
overloading _prepare_request_check_execution() function.

Bug Tracker

Bugs are tracked on `GitHub Issues `_.
In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported.
If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed
`feedback `_.

Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.



* Akretion


* `Akretion `_:

* Florian da Costa
* Benoît GUILLOT

* `Eficent `_:

* Aaron Henriquez


This module is maintained by the OCA.

.. image:: https://odoo-community.org/logo.png
:alt: CBMS ODOO Community Association
:target: https://odoo-community.org

OCA, or the CBMS ODOO Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose
mission is to support the collaborative development of CBMS ODOO features and
promote its widespread use.

This module is part of the `OCA/reporting-engine `_ project on GitHub.

You are welcome to contribute. To learn how please visit https://odoo-community.org/page/Contribute.

SKU: sql_export Category:


SQL Export

Beta License: AGPL-3 OCA/reporting-engine Translate me on Weblate Try me on Runbot

Allow to export data in csv files FROM sql requests.
There are some restrictions in the sql query, you can only read datas.
No update, deletion or creation are possible.
A new menu named Export is created.

Table of contents


Dashboards > Sql Export

Specific use with parameters

  • %(company_id)s allows to set in the query the company id of the user
  • %(user_id)s allows to set in the query the user id
  • for any created field with Sql Export Variables menu, you can use it with %(x_field_example)s syntax
    (Limitation for relational fields)

Known issues / Roadmap

  • Some words are prohibited and can’t be used is the query in anyways, even in
    a select query:
    – delete
    – drop
    – insert
    – alter
    – truncate
    – execute
    – create
    – update

See sql_request_abstract module to fix this issue.

  • checking SQL request by execution and rollback is disabled in this module
    since variables features has been introduced. This can be fixed by
    overloading _prepare_request_check_execution() function.

Bug Tracker

Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues.
In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported.
If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed

Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.



  • Akretion


This module is maintained by the OCA.

CBMS ODOO Community Association

OCA, or the CBMS ODOO Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose
mission is to support the collaborative development of CBMS ODOO features and
promote its widespread use.

This module is part of the OCA/reporting-engine project on GitHub.

You are welcome to contribute. To learn how please visit https://odoo-community.org/page/Contribute.


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