CBMS ERP Social manager website 35+ top messangers and social networks svg


Professional social manager
website 35+ top messangers and social networks svg
launch application by click
customize icon features
facebook with background
twitter with background
google-plus with background
linkedin with background
round dribbble with background
round github with background
round behance with background
round codepen with background
rounded instagram with background
rounded pinterest with background
rounded buffer with background
rounded vk with background
rounded medium with background
rounded tumblr with background
rounded rss with background
rounded flickr with background
rounded snapchat with background
rounded whatsapp with background
rounded reddit with background
rounded vine with background
rounded youtube with background
rounded spotify with background
rounded soundcloud with background
rounded amazon with background
google-plus alternates with background
facebook alternates with background
youtube alternates with background
soundcloud alternates with background
reddit alternates with background
github alternates with background
app-store with background
google-play with background
email generic with background
location generic with background
phone generic with background

SKU: website_sale_social_networks Category:


Part 1 of icons

Part 2 of icons

Result on website

Result on website no background mode

Mobile support

Setting menu of website

Manager all social networks and massengers

35 professional svg icons out of box

2 mode – launch and link

2 mode display – background and no background

4 setting positions on website

Useful manage icons

Customize title of icons

These svg icons are up to 87% smaller than the official ones.

Toggle between background and solid mode

Support multi websites

Support multi icons on one website

Create customize icons

mobile support

HR attendance full control

Our best-selling modules

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Official OCA contributor


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