CBMS ERP POS: Prepaid credits


.. image:: https://itpp.dev/images/infinity-readme.png
:alt: Tested and maintained by IT Projects Labs
:target: https://itpp.dev

POS: Prepaid credits

The module allows to make sale on credit.

Debt (Credit) value is changed whenever:

* Product marked as “Credit Product” is sold via POS or via Invoices. Invoices created via website_sale (eCommerce) module are supported too.
* POS payment is made via journal marked as “Debt journal”
* “Manual Credit Updates” is added

Other features:

* each user has Debt Limit field. By default is 0, i.e. user has to pay in advance and cannot have negative credits amount.
* Working with employees of company. You can get a sum of Credits of all employess of any company. You can make invoices per each employee at once to updates their Credits.

Installation Deinstallation

* Debt data are still available after the module will be re-installed.
* When new (first after install) POS session is opened, a debt payment method would added in a POS config.
* If the module was install and uninstall immediately (without created POS sessions) then it keeps no data.
* If a user deleted debt journal from POS config manually then after the module is upgraded
POS config would not be changed.
* Multicompany mode is supported


* TODO. Field “journal_id“ in “pos.credit.update“ model should be replaced with “pos_payment_method_id = fields.Many2on(‘pos.payment.method’)“

* TODO. New option for **Zero transactions** feature: allow to create extra order line with negative amount instead of applying discounts.

* It creates extra record in accounting system (pos.order.line). It can be used as a backup for *Manual Updates*
* It works with following problem case:

In case of purchasing products with taxes not included in the price, such journals cannot be used along with normal payments

* TODO. Improvements on heavy usage (Many POSes, Many Partners)

* Num of users with cached Debt History must be limited
* Limit issue in “reload_debts“ (check FIXME note there)
* Many POSes do the same requests on getting updates from longpolling. Solution:

* Customizable timeout in “on_debt_updates“ method in “pos_debt_notebook_sync“ module.
* “reload_debts“ called with “”postpone”: false“ must ignore existing timer


To get an assistance on this module contact us by email :arrow_right: help@itpp.dev

* `Ivan Yelizariev `__
* `Stanislav Krotov `__
* `Dinar Gabbasov `__
* `Kolushov Alexandr `__

Further information

CBMS ODOO Apps Store: https://apps.mycbms.com/apps/modules/14.0/pos_debt_notebook/

Tested on `CBMS ODOO 14.0 `_
Comfortable sales for your regular customers. Debt payment method for POS

SKU: pos_debt_notebook Category:


.. image:: https://itpp.dev/images/infinity-readme.png
:alt: Tested and maintained by IT Projects Labs
:target: https://itpp.dev

POS: Prepaid credits

The module allows to make sale on credit.

Debt (Credit) value is changed whenever:

* Product marked as “Credit Product” is sold via POS or via Invoices. Invoices created via website_sale (eCommerce) module are supported too.
* POS payment is made via journal marked as “Debt journal”
* “Manual Credit Updates” is added

Other features:

* each user has Debt Limit field. By default is 0, i.e. user has to pay in advance and cannot have negative credits amount.
* Working with employees of company. You can get a sum of Credits of all employess of any company. You can make invoices per each employee at once to updates their Credits.

Installation Deinstallation

* Debt data are still available after the module will be re-installed.
* When new (first after install) POS session is opened, a debt payment method would added in a POS config.
* If the module was install and uninstall immediately (without created POS sessions) then it keeps no data.
* If a user deleted debt journal from POS config manually then after the module is upgraded
POS config would not be changed.
* Multicompany mode is supported


* TODO. Field “journal_id“ in “pos.credit.update“ model should be replaced with “pos_payment_method_id = fields.Many2on(‘pos.payment.method’)“

* TODO. New option for **Zero transactions** feature: allow to create extra order line with negative amount instead of applying discounts.

* It creates extra record in accounting system (pos.order.line). It can be used as a backup for *Manual Updates*
* It works with following problem case:

In case of purchasing products with taxes not included in the price, such journals cannot be used along with normal payments

* TODO. Improvements on heavy usage (Many POSes, Many Partners)

* Num of users with cached Debt History must be limited
* Limit issue in “reload_debts“ (check FIXME note there)
* Many POSes do the same requests on getting updates from longpolling. Solution:

* Customizable timeout in “on_debt_updates“ method in “pos_debt_notebook_sync“ module.
* “reload_debts“ called with “”postpone”: false“ must ignore existing timer


To get an assistance on this module contact us by email :arrow_right: help@itpp.dev

* `Ivan Yelizariev `__
* `Stanislav Krotov `__
* `Dinar Gabbasov `__
* `Kolushov Alexandr `__

Further information

Odoo Apps Store: https://apps.mycbms.com/apps/modules/14.0/pos_debt_notebook/

Tested on `Odoo 14.0 `_


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