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All In One Barcode Scanner for Sale, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory, Inventory Adjustment, BOM and Scrap CBMS Apps
Do you want to add product quickly in sales order, purchase order, invoice line, inventory adjustment, BOM-Bill of material lines and Scrap order based on product barcode with barcode scanner? don’t worry here we provide All In One Barcode Scanner CBMS apps with easy option to just scan your product with barcode using Barcode Scanner and product will be added on sales order line, purchase order line, invoice line, inventory adjustment, Bill of Material-BOM and Scrap Order automatically with price which will be automatically comes from the product in CBMS.

Scan Barcode
Scan your barcode and it will be added on sale/purchase/invoice lines automatically with price.

Add Products by Barcode in Purchase
On scaning the product barcode the product will be added in purchase order line.

Add Products by Barcode in Sale
On scaning the product barcode the product will be added in sale order line.

Add Products by Barcode in Customer Invoice
On scaning the product barcode the product will be added in invoice line.

Scan product in BOM and Scrap
On scanning barcode the product will be added in BOM line and in scrap if product is available.

Scan product in Inventory Transfer and Inventory Adjustment
Product will be added if not availabe in the line on scanning barcode,if available increamant the quantity by 1.

Multiple warnings
No quantity available on scanned barcode.Barcode is not available in system.Product is already in lines.

Add Products by Barcode in Vendor Bill
On scaning the product barcode the product will be added in bill lines.
Add Barcode on Products
Based on barcode products will be added in sale,purchase and invoice.
Scan button to scan the barcode
Scan the barcode
You can see the product will be added in the sale order.
With this same process you can add products in Purchase and Invoice with barcode.
Inventory Barcode Scanner
On scanning the barcode, product will get added.
On scanning the same barcode of the product, product’s demand qunatity incremented by one.
Inventory Adjustment Barcode Scanner
On scanning the barcode, product will get added with Real Quantity set to ‘1’.
If inventory of all products selected and the scanned product is not present then it will get added, if product is present than its Real Quantity is incremented by 1.
BOM Barcode Scanner
On scanning the barcode of an product, product get added to the BOM.
Scarp Barcode Scanner
Scan the barcode of the product to add product.
On scanning the barcode of an product, product get added to the scarp.
If product is already available then on scanning it will increaded the quantity by 1.
If barcode is not available in system then its shows warning that barcode is not available in system.
When there is no quantity available on product it will show that quantity not available of product.
When you scan same barcode again it will raise that this product is already in sale order line.
Warning if product already existed in bom line.
Warning on selecting different product than added in scrap.
Free Support
You will get 90 Days free support incase any bugs or issue (Except data recovery).
At CBMS TECHNOLOGIES LTD we offer end to end solution for CBMS services. Which includes analysis & consultation on the workflows and integration part. Please note that You’re not allowed to distribute this module after purchase! Incase of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on or raise a ticket on support.
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