CBMS ERP Customer Order Comment


Know your customer’s comments, view it on checkout page This module is used for add customer order comment section at payment page

SKU: website_customer_order_comment Category:


Customer Order Comment

Know your customer’s comments, view it on checkout page

Allow your Customers Comment in Validate Order Page

Can your customer comment on their order while placing an order? It is imperative to know what customers think about your products or they can also comment to improve their shopping experience or in your CBMS website!

You can now add this facility in your website by configuring Customer Order Comment app. It will add a Customer Order Comment textbox on the Checkout Page.

Customer can comment without saving it & you can see customer comment related to order in sales order.

Review Customer Comment in Order Form View

Customer Order Comment will get displayed in “Customer Order Comment” tab in Sales Order Form View.

If user does not insert comments, it will show no comments to you.

Disable App from Backend

You (admin) can disable customer order comment feature from back‐end going to “Website Setting” tab.

Technical Help & Support

We offer extremely convenient and quick support service to all your technical help & support requests. As our support service is the parameter defining the success of our business and earning us the brand name. Please feel free to contact us

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