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Generate Product Barcode EAN13 CBMS Apps
This CBMS apps is used for generate barcode automatically for product, this CBMS ODOO module provide option that on configuration level that either you can allow or disable option for generate barcode.Also on barcode generation will have two option generate with random number or it will be based on current date. We also provide option to generate barcode easily for multiple product in single click as well as manual generate barcode for single product.
Generates barcode for product
Allows user to generate barcode for the product.
Barcode through random number or by date time.
Users are allowed to generate barcode, through random number or by date and time.
Generates barcode for selected product.
Users are allowed to select product for barcode generation.
Generates barcode as per the configuration.
Users are allowed to generate barcode by using different configuration set by user.
Configure Product Barcode EAN13 Generate
You can Goto Sales > Configuration > Settings > Product Barcode EAN13 Generate.It will generate barcode by today date when you will create the product.
Generate Barcode by Today Date
Configure Product Barcode EAN13 Generate
It will generate barcode by random number when you will create the product.
Generate Barcode by Random Number
Generate barcode for all the product
Overwrite Existing Barcode
You can overwrite existing barcode using ‘Overwrite’ checkbox with using barcode generate option.
Generated Barcode for All Selected Product
Manually Generate Barcode
Manually generate barcode option will be visible when Product Barcode EAN13 Generate option will not selected from Sales > Configuration.
Generated Manual Barcode for the Product
Installation Guide.
Before installing this module you have to install following packages in your system.
sudo pip install python-barcode
If your python version is above “3.0”(python 3) then use below command.
sudo pip3 install python-barcode
Free Support
You will get 90 Days free support incase any bugs or issue (Except data recovery).
At CBMS TECHNOLOGIES LTD we offer end to end solution for CBMS services. Which includes analysis & consultation on the workflows and integration part. Please note that You’re not allowed to distribute this module after purchase! Incase of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on or raise a ticket on support.
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