CBMS ODOO Rental Sale
The module allows you to run a rental business using CBMS ODOO. You can create the rental products, set their prices and create orders for customers renting them. Draw rental contracts for CBMS ODOO products, create sales orders, calculate total rents, manage outgoing and incoming deliveries all in CBMS ODOO.

Run Your Rental Business From CBMS ODOO
Providing products on Rent is a Promising Business idea
You can earn profit by renting your products and customers can use the products at small prices without having to buy them.
- Rental business offers the customers to rent a product without the compulsion to buy it.
- Rented products gets returned to business.
- Earn revenue with rent as the same product can be rented again.

All-In-One Complete Rental Business Management Tool In CBMS ODOO
The module provides the complete rental business manager suite in CBMS ODOO.
You can create, rent, manage and track 1000s of your products from the same CBMS ODOO without the need of any other system.
- Control the pricing of your rented products using simple or dynamic pricing.
- Keep track of product outgoing when it is rented out and incoming when it is returned.
- All the rented contracts and records can be studied and tracked from CBMS ODOO itself.
- No need to manual keep the list of rented products.
- Provides Auto-calculation of prices according to the set tenure and pricing mechanism. No manual calculation.
- Eliminate errors in rent calculation.
Types Of Rental Business You can Manage Using The Module
Run any kind of small to big Rental business with the modules. Such as:
- Leasing Houses, apartments and properties
- Games rental business
- Renting Furniture & home decor accessories
- Equipments Rental
- Car and automobile Leasing
- Various professional Gear rental business
- Clothing Rental
Rental Process

Offers Effective Pricing Models To Calculate Rent smartly
Simple Rent Pricing | Dynamic Pricing | |
For example:If the rental product is charged @ $5 for one day and total tenure selected is 7 days. Then, the total rent simply becomes 5×7 = $35 |
Now if the customer books for 13 days, the system first finds the rent corresponding to the longest period slab as in the above the mentioned tenure, then the next longest tenure and so on. So, Total Rent = (Rent for 7 days slab= $30 + Rent for 4 days slab= $18 + Rent for 2 days = 2 x $5) Therefore, the total rent charged = $58 |
Detailed Features List
Manage your rental business in CBMS ODOO
- The module provides the structure to manage rental business from CBMS ODOO.
- You can create, rent and track your products using CBMS ODOO.
Create rental products and manage their prices in CBMS ODOO
- You can now create rental products in CBMS ODOO.
- The pricing of the rental products is managed on a daily, weekling, hourly, etc basis.
- You can choose simple pricing or dynamic pricing mechanisms for products. (As mentioned above)
Set the uom for rental tenures and their prices
- Manage prices of rental products using appropriate UOM.
- You can create Uom such as hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc for your products.
- Use the Uom to set rental prices in your products.
Add security amount to each rental product
- A security amount can also be added to each product.
- The security amount is automatically added to the total of each sales order.
- This amount is refundable when the product is returned.
Track rental orders and contracts from CBMS ODOO backend
- Create sales orders to rent products to the customers.
- Each sales order automatically creates a rental order and also a rental contract.
Add rental agreements as policy to your rental products
- You can create different rental agreements for various types of products.
- Each product is associated with a product agreement.
- The product agreement is also added to the rental contract created while renting the product.
Details of each rented product in rental contract
- The rental contract shows the details of the rented products.
- See details like rent tenure, outgoing-incoming deliveries, unit price, security deposit, total etc
Renew expired rental contract
- The expired rental contract can also be renewed in CBMS ODOO with a click.
Manage categories of rental product to quick sorting
- You can create rental product categories in CBMS ODOO
- Sort the rental products according to the categories for better tracking.
Different types of tenures to place rental orders
- You can create and save standard tenures for each product in CBMS ODOO.
- You can then use these tenures while creating rental orders for the customers.
- You can choose the standard tenure or custom tenure while creating the rental order.
Help and Support
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