Real Estate Management Software – CBMS ERP REMS


Real Estate Management
– Properties Hierarchy
– Google Maps Integration
– Units Reservation
– Ownership Contracts Managament
– Easy Tenant Management
– Invoicing Management & Accounting Integration
– Property Refund
– Email Notifications
– Integration with CBMS Website
– Comprehensive Reporting

SKU: itsys_real_estate Category: Tag:


Properties Hierarchy

Group property Regions, and building

Track all important details for your properties + image gallery for the property.

All activities done for your property will be captured in an easy way to be tracked at your convenience.

Google Maps Integration

Representing building units on google satellite maps

Addresses for your properties can be geocoded with color representation on Google maps according to their status
Showing sold units in red pins, reserved units in blue ones, and free units in green
Clicking on a unit on the map will open the property screen in new tab in order to be viewed or reserved

Units Reservation

Managing reservations and installments calculations in an automated easy manner with the option of releasing property resevation after certain period of time

Ownership Contracts Managament

Converting reservation to ownership contract automatically

Ownership contract can be either created directly or generated from unit reservation screen

Ownership contracts are integrated with Accounting module in the stage of sales and payments collection

Easy Tenant Management

Improve your communication with your tenants with a real-time activity tracking

Rental contracts are integrated with Accounting module in the stage of sales and payments collection

Invoicing Management & Accounting Integration

Pay for contracts with Automated Late Fees and discounts (Either globally or per installment)

Property Refund

Refund properties with few clicks

Managerial expenses can be set either by value or percentage

Journal entries will be generated automatically for refund payment
and managerial expenses

Managerial expenses can be set either by value or percentage

Managerial expenses account is set in the module configuration

Email Notifications

Due Payments Notifications

supports automatic email notifications to customers with late payments.

Notification Email format adapts dynamically, you can change the forwarded email format freely.

Sales Commission for Users

Real Estate module allows you to define and configure the following:

– When to pay commission (either contract based or payment based.

– Calculation based on Fixed percentage or by sections

– Apply to sales channels or salesmen

Integration with CBMS Website

Properties Page

Advanced Image Gallery for properties

Comprehensive Reporting

Ownership Contract Analysis

Rental Contract Analysis

Units Reservation Report

Ownership Contract Report

Quittance Letter Report

Occupancy Rate Report

Customers Late Payments Report

Salesperson Sales Report


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