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Auto Generate Product Code (Sku/Internal Reference) CBMS Apps
If you are looking for an app to generate automatic code/Internal Reference for each product variants of all the products then this CBMS ODOO app is the best choice for all you. After installing this module you will see the configuration options to provide dynamic product code setup option such as take letters from the product attributes, add pattern sequence , user letters of product name or product category , take database id for generation of product sku or code. Once you configured settings when you create new products it will automatically generate product’s internal reference /product code based on this settings.
French and Spanish Translation Available on this App.

Create SKU based on attribute.
You can select maximum 2 characters from the product attribute to create sku of product.

Add pattern to SKU of product.
You can select a pattern you want to append with the SKU.

Create SKU based on value of product.
You can select maximum 4 characters from the product variant to create sku of product.

Use of hyphens.
You can add hyphens in between the SKU to identify every attributes of that product.

Creates SKU based on different aspects.
Creates SKU based on pattern, product database id, product category and product variant.

Spanish translation available
Spanish translation also available for strings used in this module.
Product SKU Configuration Menu
You can configure Product SKU goto settings > Product SKU Configuration. You can give name, product variants, product attribute, product category, pattern with database Id and use of hyphens.
Configuration based on Product Name
Based on number of product variant SKU will carry the product name.Example if product name is Denim Jeans then SKU will generate alphabets “den” in case of 3 letter is selected.
SKU Configuration based on Attribute Options
First Two Letter: If you select first two letter the attribute option is based on first two letter.
Example: Product color is black and size is large then SKU will carry the first two letter “BL” and “LA” “BL-LA”.
First Three Letter: If you select first three letter the attribute option is based on first three letter.
Example: Product color is white and size is XL then SKU will carry first 3 letter “WHI” and “Xl” “WHI-XL”.
SKU Configuration based on Use Category
First Two Letter: If you select first two letter the category option is based on first two letter.
Example: Category is physical then SKU will carry the first two letter “Ph”.
First Three Letter: If you select first three letter the Category option is based on first three letter.
Example: Category is physical then SKU will carry first three letter “Phy”.
First Four Letter: If you select first four letter the category option is based on first four letter.
Example: Category is physical then SKU will carry first four letter “Phys”.
SKU Configuration based on Pattern With Database Id
By using this option, It will generate SKU with selected pattern and id of database.
Example: Pattern is “00” and product database id is “7” then SKU will “007”.
Example: Pattern is “000” and product database id is “12” then SKU will “00012”.
Use of Hyphens
You can also use the hyphens in your SKU in your SKU numbers If you use hyphen sku will look like this “deni-wh-xl”.
Without use of hyphen SKU will look like this “deniwhxl”.
As Shown in figure you can see the product with SKU as we select in SKU configuration.
In tree view products and their SKU code can be seen.
Free Support
You will get 90 Days free support incase any bugs or issue (Except data recovery).
At CBMS TECHNOLOGIES LTD we offer end to end solution for CBMS services. Which includes analysis & consultation on the workflows and integration part. Please note that You’re not allowed to distribute this module after purchase! Incase of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on or raise a ticket on support.
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