Supported :
Multi Barcode for Product & Product Variant CBMS Apps
Product & Product Variant Multi Barcode with Search Functionality CBMS Apps
Product Multiple Barcode CBMS Apps
Allow to Create Multiple Barcode for Product CBMS Apps
Product and Product Variant Multi Barcode CBMS App is allow to create a multiple barcode for both a single product and product variant under ‘Barcodes’ tab. You can also easy to search that product or product variant based on multiple barcode for sales order, purchase order, invoice, vendor bill, delivery and shipment. You can also search product on product view and and product variant on product variant view with assigned barcode , you can search product or variant with any barcode number from multiple barcode of that product or variant.

Easy to Create Multiple Barcode for Single Product
User can easily create a multiple barcode for a single product under ‘Barcodes’ tab.

Easy to Search Product based on Multiple Barcode
User can easily search product based on multiple barcode for product view, sales order, purchase order, invoice, vendor bill, delivery and shipment.

Easy to Create Multiple Barcode for Single Product Variant
User can easily create a multiple barcode for a single product variant under ‘Barcodes’ tab.

Easy to Search Product Variant based on Multiple Barcode
User can easily search product variant based on multiple barcode for product variant view, sales order, purchase order, invoice, vendor bill, delivery and shipment.
Product Multiple Barcode
User can set multiple barcode for single product template under “Barcodes” tab on product template form view.
Product Variant Multiple Barcode
User can set multiple barcode for single product variant under “Barcodes” tab on product variant form view.
Search Product by Multi Barcode
Under product search view user can search product by multiple barcode added to product.
User can see product search result as per entered search query.
Search Product Variant by Multi Barcode
Under product variant search view user can search product variant by multiple barcode added to variant.
User can see product variant search result as per entered search query.
Search Product on Sales by Multi Barcode
User can search products on sale order by multiple barcode.
Search Product Variant on Sales by Multi Barcode
User can search product variants on sale order by multiple barcode.
Search Product on Purchase by Multi Barcode
User can search products on purchase order by multiple barcode.
Search Product on Purchase by Multi Barcode
User can search product variants on purchase order by multiple barcode.
Search Product on Invoice by Multi Barcode
User can search products on customer invoice by multiple barcode.
Search Product Variants on Invoice by Multi Barcode
User can search product variants on customer invoice by multiple barcode.
Search Product on Bill by Multi Barcode
User can search products on vendor bill by multiple barcode.
Search Product Variants on Bill by Multi Barcode
User can search product variants on vendor bill by multiple barcode.
Search Product on Delivery by Multi Barcode
User can search products on delivery order by multiple barcode.
Search Product Variant on Delivery by Multi Barcode
User can search product variants on delivery order by multiple barcode.
Search Product on Receipt by Multi Barcode
User can search products on receipt order by multiple barcode.
Search Product Variant on Receipt by Multi Barcode
User can search product variants on receipt order by multiple barcode.
Warning will raise if user tries to assign same barcode to other products that assigned before.
Free Support
You will get 90 Days free support incase any bugs or issue (Except data recovery).
At CBMS TECHNOLOGIES LTD we offer end to end solution for CBMS services. Which includes analysis & consultation on the workflows and integration part. Please note that You’re not allowed to distribute this module after purchase! Incase of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on or raise a ticket on support.
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